What My Clients Say


Cela a été un véritable plaisir de travailler avec Olga. Scientifique de haut niveau tant dans le domaine de la physique que de la biologie, elle est aussi une artiste très talentueuse. J’ai travaillé avec elle à 2 reprises, sur des illustrations réslisées par ordinateur et en aquarelle. 

Elle travaille vite et reste toujours à notre écoute.

Merci !!

Dr. Judith Mine Hattab - CNRS researcher at Instiut Curie, Paris, France

I am very thankful to Olga for creating two Figures for our review (Curr Op Ins Sci, 2019). Before creating the outlines, Olga and I had several extended conversations where I explained the main topic of our review and what I would like to depict in the Figures. We then discussed the outlines and Olga readily took on board and implemented my comments and suggestions. We went through another round of revisions after receiving informal feedback on the manuscript from my colleagues, and then – from the reviewers. Olga was also happy to respond to the requirements of the copy editor when our manuscript was in press. Overall, this was a very positive process, and I have definitely received the illustrations that are much better than what I could have created myself! I use them now in my research talks, and I have received similar feedback from other scientists.

Dr Olena Riabinina, Group Leader, Durham University, UK